How Do I Cancel/Change My Subscription?
To cancel or change your subscription, click Account->Change My Subscription. From there, you can select a different subscription, or cancel your subscription.
What is a queued shipment?
This is a shipment that has only mimimal information entered. It can be entered via the web using the Create Queued Shipment page or can be entered via our App. All required information will need to be entered before moving the shipment to the ordered status
What are the Different Statuses?
Shipments are classified into 1 of 6 different statuses:Queued: This shipment does not have all required information entered yet.Pre-order: The potential shipment has not actually been ordered yet. Ordered: The shipment has been ordered but has not been shippedShipped: The shipment has shipped. If a tracking number is provided, MyShipManager will automatically move the shipment to shipped.Received: The Shipment has been delivered. If a tracking number is provided, MyShipManager will automatically assign this status once the carrier has delivered the shipment.Processed: The shipment has been processed by your store.
Can I Create Accounts for my Employees?
Yes. To create an account click Account->Manage Users. This will pull up a list of current users. Then click the "Add User" button. Then you will enter the name and email of this user along with what permissions you would like the account to have. Accounts you create will not have permission to edit payment or subscription information.
What is a Vendor Template?
A vendor template is simply a way to save options for when you are creating a product from the same vendor, so you don't have to re-enter the same options every time. Options you can save are color, size, and whether to charge tax.
How do I Create a Shipment?
To create a shipment click Shipments->Create Shipment or click Create Shipment from the dashboard.Then do the following:1. Select a vendor. If the vendor you would like does not exist, you can press the "Add/Edit" button to create a new vendow.2. Enter other fields as needed. The following fields are available:Status - The current status of the shipment. Default is "Ordered"Markup - Use if you would like to add an intended markup for use by staff when the shipment is processed.Source - Where did this shipment originate? Examples would be Market,Vendor Website, etc.Category - A category included in this shipment. For each category, you can enter Cost (the cost of the items in the category), Charged (what you were actually charged for items in this category), Styles (Number of styles in this category, Packs/Pieces (number of packs/pieces for this category). You may add as many categories as needed for a shipment.Order Date - the date of the order (default is the current day)Ship Date - the date the shipment is expected to shipEstimated Delivery Date - the date the shipment is expected to be delivered. If a tracking number is supplied, MyShipManager will automatically adjust this date based on information from the carrier.Process Date - The date the order is processed by your store. This date is automatically populated when you process the shipment.Carrier - the shipment carrier usedTracking number - The tracking number for this shipment. Supplying this allows MyShipManager to automatically update the tracking status for you. Invoice Number/PO - The invoice number or PO associated with this shipmentNotes: Any other information you would like to keep relating to this shipment.You can also upload documents/images related to this shipment.
What is Splitting a Shipment?
If you need to create multiple shipments from a shipment, you can split it. To split a shipment, retrieve a shipment, and press the "Split Shipment" button at the bottom of the page. Then do the following:If you know the ship date, estimated delivery date, carrier and tracking number of the new shipment, enter them. Then enter the quantity of each category to move to the new shipment. This quantity will be subtracted from the current shipment.A new shipment will be created. If ship date and delivery date are entered, the new order will have a status of "Ordered". Otherwise, it will have a status of "Pre-ordered."
What is Processing a Shipment?
Processing a shipment is simply telling MyShipManager you have gone through whatever process your store deems necessary once a shipment has arrived. Processed orders appear in their own category. To process a shipment, click on Shipments->View Shipments. Then click on the "Received" tab. To process an order, press the "Process" button.
What are Projections used for?
Projections are used to compare what you spend for a week/month vs what you have projected or budgeted for that time period.
How do I Enter COGS?
To enter COGS, click on Accounting->Enter COGS. You enter COGS on a weekly basis. You can choose to enter a total across all categories, or enter an amount for each category. These amounts are reflected in the Open to Buy report.
How Does Open To Buy Work?
To view the Open To Buy report, click on Accounting->Open to Buy The way Open to Buy works is as follows:The first 5 tabs give you a total of styles,packs/pieces, and cost for the selected month based on current status.The Styles tab gives you the total number of styles ordered in each category by day, week and month.The Cost by Week tab gives daily,weekly, and monthly totals per category for the currently selected month. The charged field is used for a shipment if it is entered; otherwise the cost field is used. Pre-ordered totals are listed separately, but also included in all totals.